21 Actions to Take Today to Simplify Your Life Significantly

Simplifying our lives is a good goal, for one to set. Yet, many people don't take any action on it. Below is a list of actions that you can take today that will simplify your life considerably.

#1. Pack your lunch.

Make your own lunch or pack leftovers from the night before. This is can be healthier than eating outside and it’s a great way to save money.

#2. Cook one more night a week.

This will not only save you more money but will also save you the calories if you aren't eating out. Adding to that, you'll get to enjoy more time with your family.

#3. De-clutter your desk.

Clearing your desk will make it look more spacious and more comfortable for you to work on. Organizing your desk will also save you the time you normally spend rifling through the piles of papers. This will enable you to get more things done.

#4. Stop buying things you don’t need.

De-cluttering your desk or place and then replacing what you get rid of with more things you don’t need, doesn’t help. Whenever you’re about to buy something, ask yourself “do I need it NOW?”.

#5. Own Less.

Give away to a charity, any clothes you no longer wear. Make sure that anything you own is being useful. If not, get rid of it.

Related: 75 Things You Should Get Rid Of Immediately

#6. Limit Your Choices.

It has been proven that the more choices you have, the less happy you feel. Take the example of choosing among ice-cream flavors. If you love chocolate and you get to choose between chocolate, strawberry or vanilla, you’ll choose the chocolate and feel pretty satisfied. Now if you get to choose between dark chocolate, Chocolate Peppermint Crunch, Chocolate Fudge Brownie… you might end up regretting your choice and wondering what if you get to choose again. Now, this goes with everything in your life. Always limit your choices.

#7. Learn the Power of No.

Learn to say a polite “No, thank you” to anything that might not serve you or add a value to your life.

#8. Spend Some Time Disconnected.

As much useful the technology could be, it might take some of your time that otherwise could be spent on more important things. Spending time with your family or enjoying the concert instead of filming it, can make your experience more enjoyable. Don’t let life pass you by while you click away.

#9. Spend Time With The People You Love.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

We often don’t realize how important it is to spend quality time with the people we care about. We take them for granted forgetting that they’re the ones that matter and they’re the ones who’ll be there for you when it gets tough.

#10. Give More.

It’s hard to feel bad about yourself when you help someone else and make a difference in his life, even in the smallest ways. In fact, it has been proven that giving provides us with deep satisfaction and a feeling of fullness. Make giving a goal in your life. You don’t have to give money and things, giving some of your time to listen to someone who needs to be heard, can be the most precious gift.

#11. Learn More About Minimalism.

Start reading books that will help you lead a more minimalist lifestyle, and get inspired by people who are living such a life. It is important to live simply, but what is more important is to keep learning how to maintain your life that simple.

#12. Consider a Smaller Home.

If you intend to move, consider a smaller home. Limiting your living space will make you limit the things you don’t need.

#13. Replace Chemical Beauty Product With Natural Ones.

Beauty products can burn a hole in your pocket and leave behind unwanted side effects. Whereas, natural remedies and treatments are safe to use and more effective.

Check out these natural remedies:

#14. Try Living Without a Car.

Walk, bike, or take public transportation. Other than improving your health and saving your money, using your car less will give you more time to think and the opportunity to interact with people and notice your surroundings.

#15. Choose Quality Over Quantity.

You can apply this to every aspect of your life. For example, instead of buying different jeans, buy a good quality one that will last you longer.

#16. Start Your Day With Gratitude.

Always find reasons to be thankful. This will provide you with deep satisfaction and a feeling of fullness and attract more blessings. Say “thank you” multiple times throughout your day. You can say it to other people, to God, or simply to yourself.

#17. Pack Lightly.

Whether you’re headed to school, work, or vacation, try to pack as little as possible. You can try the one bag rule, which consists of going out with only one bag, even on vacations. Remember that life is about experiences and not things.

#18. Pay off Your Debt.

Whether it’s student loan debt, credit card debt, car debt… paying your debt off will make it much easier for you to manage your finances and you’ll have one less thing to worry about.

#19. Unsubscribe From Emails.

Emails that you don’t need can take so much of your time without you noticing. You can check how many lists you’re subscribed to with Unroll.me

#20. Use the Cloud.

Instead of using a flash drive that you might forget at work or lose, start saving your documents to OneDrive or Google Drive. You’ll be able to access your files anywhere, and safely save and organize them.

#21. Always Keep Baking Soda at Home.

Baking Soda is a great alternative to many products you use at home. It can be used to clean the house, remove stains, a toothpaste and a mouthwash…. These are 15 Surprising Beauty Uses For Baking Soda That Will Simplify Your Life

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