April Questions

April Questions
Day 1: What I’ve learned today!

Day 2: If I could have a talent, what would it be?

Day 3: What do I wish left unsaid?

Day 4: What makes me happy?

Day 5: Name 10 things I like about myself, can I have more?

Day 6: Name 10 things I hate about myself, how can I change it?

Day 7: Am I living the life I want to live?

Day 8: Who is that person in my life that I can’t live without?

Day 9: When was the last time I went to a place I’ve never been before?

Day 10: What waste my time the most, how can I change it?

Day 11: What do I fear the most? Is it a real danger or it’s just my mind?

Day 12: Did I work hard on my dreams? do I deserve the rest?

Day 13: If I want to send a letter for my future self, what would it be?

Day 14: What are my excuses to not work for my dreams? Are they real?

Day 15: Five ways to win my heart!

Day 16: How do I hope my future will be like?

Day 17:What do I miss in my life?

Day 18: What I’m worrying about currently? Do I really need to worry about it? Can I do something about it?

Day 19: What’s the quote I’m trying to live by?

Day 20: Where do I want to spend the rest of my life?

Day 21: What are my goals this year?

Day 22: What I’m most grateful for?

Day 23: What bad habit I want to stop doing?

Day 24: What good habit I want to start?

Day 25: What was my latest accomplishment?

Day 26: What’s the things that I can’t live with out? Is it true?

Day 27: What are the top 10 places that I would love to visit?

Day 28: What makes me mad? Is it a reason to get mad?

Day 29: What’s the hardest thing I’m dealing with?

Day 30: What’s my life purpose?

April photo challenge

April photo challenge
Day 1: Self portrait

Day 2: The Sunrise

Day 3: Smile

Day 4: A book you’re reading

Day 5: Family

Day 6: In the car

Day 7: Workout

Day 8: You’re outfit

Day 9: A pet

Day 10: With you’re friends

Day 11: Your breakfast

Day 12: Something you cooked

Day 13: Your workplace

Day 14: Hair

Day 15: Something old

Day 16: Your favorite place

Day 17: Your bed

Day 18: Your signature

Day 19: Your shadow

Day 20: Nature

Day 21: Your shoes

Day 22: A baby

Day 23: An old car

Day 24: Something you made by yourself

Day 25: Coffee

Day 26: Street

Day 27: A baby

Day 28: Something special in your room

Day 29: Shopping

Day 30: You, 30 days later