A Wake Up Call

A Wake Up Call
– Life is hard: and it’s hard for everyone but being able to stand out, that’s what makes a difference.

– the life may choose for you what happen: but you’re the one who’s going to choose what to do about it, how you’re going to act, and what attitude you’re going to take.

– You’ll find it easier to make excuses and to stay in your confort zone: but you got to know that if you want to make it happen you got to take your full resopnsibility of your life, your action because it’s up to you to make a difference and change your life. the power is in your hand and that’s all what you really need, change it and never look back.

– They may tell you that you’re not good enough that you can’t make it: be cool with this and make your vision bigger than those voices that hold you back, believe in your dreams and be patient with it see the success before it happens and live with it!

– You don’t have to be perfect: the only thing you have to is to do what you’re supposed to do! and you’re supposed to live your dreams, you’re supposed to work hard, that’s what you need to judge yourself for, because it’s up to you to make actions and control your life, it’s not the appearnce that need a surgery, it’s your mind, and you got to understand that the value of the human being is within their minds, have a beautiful mind and you’ll have a beautiful life!

– You can always make excuses  » I’m not good enough for this, I’m gonna wait for the conditions to be perfect before I do this »: give up excuses they’re nothing but lies!

Difference between giving up and letting go

Difference between giving up and letting go

There is a big difference between giving up and letting go. Letting go means freeing yourself from something that is no longer serving you. It means removing toxic people and belief systems from your life so that you can make room for relationships and ideas that are conducive to your wellbeing and happiness. Giving up reduces your life. Letting go expands it. Giving up is imprisoning. Letting go is liberation. Giving up is self-defeat. Letting go is self care.So the next time you make the decision to release something or someone that is stifling your happiness and growth, and a person has the audacity to accuse you of giving up or being weak, remind yourself of the difference. Remind yourself that you don’t need anyone’s permission or approval to live your life in the way that feels right. No one has the authority to tell you who to be or how to live.

~Daniell Koepke

10 Powerful Phrases Of Wisdom From Gandhi

How To Improve Your Life In 7 Steps

1. Be the change you wish to see in the world .

2. What you think, you become .

3. Where there is love, there is life .

4. Learn as if you’ll live forever .

5. Your health is your true wealth .

6. Have a sense of humor .

7. Your life is your message .

8. Action expresses priorities .

9. Our greatness is being able to remake ourselves .

10. Find yourself in the service of others.

9 Random Things To Know

9 Random Things To Know
1- There is no fear like the fear of death unless you don’t fear it!

2- Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face: it’s about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart and a pretty soul. <3

3- Happiness is about having a purpose.

4- Things don’t go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up, they happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be.

5- The embarrassment of a situation can, once you are over it, be the funniest time in your life, you just flip them on their head.

6- Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.

7- just because today is a terrible day, doesn’t mean that tomorrow won’t be the best day of your life; you just got to get there.

8- You’re never upset for the reason you think!

9- The rich person is not the one who has the most but who needs the least!

7 Cardinal Rules For Life

How To Improve Your Life In 7 Steps

1- Make peace with your past : so it won’t disturb your present.

2- What other people think of you is none of your business.

3- Time heals almost everything : give it time.

4- No one is in charge of your happiness, except you.

5- Don’t compare your life to others and don’t judge them, you have no idea what their journey is all about.

6- Stop thinking too much.

7- Smile you don’t own all the problems in the world. :)

Let Today Be Your Day

Let Today Be Your Day
– Where you step out of the ordinary and choose the extraordinary.

– Where you release yourself from the past.

– Where you let go of pain and sorrow.

– Where you take control of your mind and of your life.

– Where you accept your capacity to change the world.

– Where you choose happiness and forgive more easily. <3